Mary is a blogger with a mission. She wants to make the world bigger for her nonverbal daughter, Jessie. She writes about their Angelman syndrome journey and how their life changed when they found her AAC voice.
First, she got her socks and shoes. Then her hat, Talker, and my pocketbook. When she handed her father the car keys, we knew she meant business. Maybe she’s stir crazy,…
Orthotics. I’ve not been a fan. Jess had seen three private-practice orthopedists and was also treated at a Shriners Hospital. Each prescribed an ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) for her…
In our early years, friends, acquaintances, and strangers off the street would ask what the matter was with my daughter. If they didn’t ask, their puzzled faces gave…
Forewarning: Don’t say the following phrase to an Angelman parent, or any special needs parent for that matter. “I don’t know how you do it!” I’m sure this…
Part two of a series. Read part one here. Have you ever gone to bed, got comfy, finally relaxed, and then realized you needed the bathroom? During inconvenient times, I’ve often…
There was more brewing with Jess than her learning differences. She was 4 when we began toilet training. This went well until it didn’t. Long story short, she was…