
Fun Times with My Angel

When the cat’s away, the mice will play. With Jessie’s dad out of town all week, life was different. Our schedule didn’t revolve around him and we took full advantage. Half of my time was spent working on a messy project. During the other…

Whose Art Is It Anyway?

You know what is worse than a forgery? Art that comes home that was completed by an aide and not by my child. The first clue is that the work is too precise. The second clue is Jessie doesn’t care to…

Addressing Those Awkward AAC Moments

After the service, we were heading for the door when we bumped into an acquaintance of my husband. After introductions, the men talked while the wife tried to rein in her young teen son. Jessie wanted to engage and twice reached for her device, but the…

Looking Forward, Looking Back

Why is it that when you see a photo of a baby, you can’t imagine what they will look like when they are grown, yet when you meet someone as an adult, it’s not difficult to identify their photo when they were little? I guess we…

Choosing an AAC Device for Your Angel

If anyone ever asks me what is the best augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device for their child, my response is, “the one they will use.” I know that doesn’t answer their question, but it is what we’ve learned to be true.

Angels Need to Keep Moving

The plan was for Dad to take her to the gym — something they could do together. I planned on recovering from a busy day while they were out. The next thing I knew, I was told to get my rear in gear and join them.

Winter Colds and Snowstorms

Just one look and I knew my well-laid plans for the day were for naught. Jessie woke up congested and tapping her nose. Sure signs of an impending cold. Within moments, plan B was enacted. I called her program to let them know she’d be out…

An Angel’s Gift of Empathy

We are keenly aware of the challenges of Angelman syndrome: seizures, sleeplessness, and being nonverbal to name a few. However, the disorder has positive aspects, too. My favorite of my daughter’s traits are her sunny disposition and ready smile. I love that she…