
Learning Social Graces Takes Time

She saw him from across the room. I’m sure everyone in the restaurant did. However, the difference was Jess wanted to meet the young man while the other patrons tried not to notice him. As far as Jessie was concerned, a person being on the spectrum…

When Angels Meet

Several years ago, when I was given the choice of going to an American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention or the Closing The Gap (CTG) Conference to help in the Speak for Yourself booth, hands down, I chose CTG. The reason…

She’s a Card-carrying Angel

During the summer, Jess goes out twice a week with Shonda. I like that they go exploring and shopping together. Yes, it’s nice to have alone time, but it’s even better for Jess not to be with her mom all the time. If she were a…

A Compulsive Eating Solution: Ice Cream

Every Fourth of July, Nathan’s has a hot dog eating contest. This year’s winner scarfed down 74 dogs within 10 minutes — a feat that leaves me feeling both awed and disgusted. First of all, why? Why would someone want…

How Angels Beat the Summer Heat

On the first day of July, there’s barely a breeze. It’s 88 degrees Fahrenheit, and it’s not yet 10 a.m. By mid-afternoon, the temp is set to climb to a wicked-hot 97 degrees. I hear the song “Heat Wave” in my head, and I…

An Angel Mom Delivers

Kids get sick, it’s to be expected. However, we have had some memorable moments. Like the time we were walking around a Home Depot Expo after eating an Italian dinner (being specific so you can visualize). We were in the bathroom section when I noticed Jess…