Mischievous Angels

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by Mary Kay |

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Watermelon cake. (Courtesy of Mary Kay)

To celebrate changes ahead, I wanted to make a special dessert for my husband. Inspiration came when I saw watermelon on sale. After a summer of overindulgence, a watermelon cake is not only figure-friendly, but it looks impressive, too!

I chose a small, seedless watermelon because it was ideal for my purposes. After cutting off the rind and shaping it like a cake, I frosted it with whipped topping (fresh whipped cream doesn’t work as well), then pressed toasted slivered almonds on the sides and finished decorating it with kiwi and berries.

After dinner, I presented the cake to my husband, and we all enjoyed our dessert without guilt. If I have to say so myself, watermelon cakes are as delicious as they are pretty. We ate half the cake and put the rest in the fridge with the plan to have it for breakfast the next morning. Well … I forgot.

The next day, after lunch, Jess asked for an ice cream sandwich, and I told her we didn’t have any. She replied, “heartbroken.” Then, I asked if she’d be happy with a cookie instead. She said, “somewhat.” We like that she has so many fringe words available to her on her Talker, and I love how she finds the exact word to express herself, too. 

Later that afternoon, while my husband and I were working on a construction project, Jess was too quiet. That can only mean one thing, and it’s not good. I found her helping herself to the watermelon cake. She had eaten all the small pieces of fruit and smeared off the frosting with her finger. I intercepted just as she was contemplating how to dig into the large piece of watermelon. When I busted her, she just grinned. She’d rather do the crime and pay the fine. 

Jess and the cake. (Photo by Mary Kay)

You know what I did? Instead of getting mad, I took her photo and told her I was going to post it (a public shaming sometimes is acceptable), and then told her that she wouldn’t be getting any ice cream sandwiches later. If she complained, I’ll point to her photo. Most of the time, she asks permission for treats using her Talker. My guess is she went to get herself a drink out of the fridge, saw the cake, and her natural impulses took over.

Yesterday was not one of Jessie’s better days. I don’t know if this was before or after the watermelon incident, but she also rifled through all the top drawers of the dressers in her room and the guest room. Nothing was out of place until my husband looked in our room and found empty gum wrappers strewn all over the bed. Jess discovered the gum in his nightstand. If she had thrown the wrappers away, we would have never known, but that concept … she doesn’t appear to understand. Or just doesn’t care. (We believe it’s the latter.) 

When my husband saw the wrappers, he said her name in the same exasperated tone as Jerry Seinfeld muttered, “Newman!” and shook his head. This is not the first time she has crossed the line, and I doubt it will be the last.

Caught in the act. (Photo by Mary Kay)

I’m sharing this story because people tend only to show their highlight reel. While I will only post flattering photos (once uploaded, they are there forever), I will never share anything that could possibly embarrass my daughter. However, with regards to her sneakiness, I’m hoping someone will read this and call her on it. When raising an Angel, it takes a village.

To read more about our journey, visit my blog. We wouldn’t even have a story if Jess hadn’t found her AAC voice. Also, check Angelman Syndrome News on Fridays for my upcoming columns.


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