
Privacy Makes Me Sick!

Who are we kidding? What are we hiding? OK, sure, it is bad when somebody steals enough personal information to open a fake credit card or empty a bank account. But really, most of us are pretty public about our names and addresses and what we care about on social…

My Angel Is Becoming More Independent

For the longest time, my daughter’s motto was, “I may not know where I’m going, but I want to get there fast.” Jessie wore overalls as a kid, which gave me something to hold onto. But she started pulling me by the hand as she…

My Son Is Not Your Guinea Pig

Everybody wants my son’s cerebrospinal fluid. My 20-year-old son, Lou, has Angelman syndrome from a deletion of genes on his maternal 15th chromosome. The lack of those genes makes it hard for Lou’s brain to understand abstract concepts, such as waiting in line to buy ice cream that he…

Angels Need to Learn Proper Manners, Too

If my daughter, Jessie, doesn’t like what she hears, she will walk away. When her boyfriend — more of a buddy than a romantic interest — gets frustrated, he raises his voice and curses like a sailor. Jessie is unimpressed by his outbursts and avoids him…

Angels Change Over Time

I was on sabbatical this summer and didn’t write for Bionews Services or my blog. Sometimes you don’t realize how burned out you are until you stop. But the longer I went without writing, the more anxious I became. When people asked if we…

Rare Resilience: Is There a Gene for That?

Welcome to Terry Jo Bichell’s “A Rare Mind,” a new Angelman Syndrome News column. About 75 people, mostly women, were in the room at the Washington Marriott Georgetown, listening attentively to lectures presented by Global Genes about a really technical subject. The attendees were teachers, waitresses, housewives, and marketing executives…

Familiarity Is the Foundation for Acceptance

This past weekend was action-packed from front to back. There was Jessie’s last dance of the season, a wedding to which the whole family was invited (doesn’t always happen), and another wedding that Jessie was expected to attend (we were the transportation). Actually, we are friends of the…

Angelman on the Trail

Last week, on a clear, sunny day, we decided to go on a hike. My daughter Jessie complained every step of the way, and I loved every minute of it. Not really, but I’ve learned to accept her lack of enthusiasm over the years. It seems whenever I…