A Glass Half Full – a Column by Sabrina L. Johnson

Proof Positive That Angels Can Benefit From Homework

Practice and repetition are important factors in helping Angels learn. My 11-year-old Angel, Juliana, completes Mom-appointed homework to reinforce what she learns at school. Homework also makes a strong connection between school and home. The idea for homework for Juliana came from my 10-year-old daughter, Jessa. Jessa is a fifth-grader…

3 Ways to Make Early Intervention a Great Experience

Early intervention efforts for my 11-year-old daughter, Juliana, who has Angelman syndrome, were not greeted warmly in my house. I can admit that now. These early intervention services included in-home therapy and pre-K programs for babies and toddlers with special needs. The fact that I didn’t previously understand the process…

Overcoming the Challenge of Caregiver Isolation

Isolation for caregivers can be a real thing. However, I apply my glass-half-full observations to help me battle this unwanted occurrence. Limited interaction or activities outside a caregiver’s immediate home can certainly lead to isolation. Managing regular activities may be difficult, so some caregivers and their families may choose to…