A Glass Half Full – a Column by Sabrina L. Johnson

I’m Winning the War on Angelman-related Paperwork

Since our 12-year-old Angel, Juliana, was diagnosed with Angelman syndrome (AS), the paper in our house seems to have tripled. There is so much documentation involved in raising a child with special needs. These documents range from evaluations to individualized education programs (IEPs) to progress reports. To keep it…

An Easter Curveball That Spins Into a Happy Ending

I’m a big believer in sharing wins and not just challenges. Unfortunately, challenges, conflict, or a shocking headline is what draws attention. In full disclosure, there is no shocking tale here. However, there is a simple story about making the best of things when a curveball comes our way.

Using Naps to Balance My Angel’s Busy Days

Napping is a great tool to balance out the hyperactivity and the extra energy that Angels seem to have. Even a short nap, often referred to as a power nap or a catnap, can make all the difference in improving behavior. Upon first glance, taking naps may seem counterintuitive…

3 Trusted Tricks to Tackle Caregiver Stress

Stress is something special needs parents know all too well. After all, we live it every day. However, that doesn’t mean it has to take control over us all the time. With April being Stress Awareness Month, it’s a good time for us to think about the stressors in our…

The Siblings of Angels Need Love, Too

Much of my time and effort as a parent is spent taking care of my 12-year-old Angel, Juliana. That’s the nature of being a special needs parent of a child with Angelman syndrome. But Juliana also has a 10-year-old sister, Jessa, and it’s quite a balancing act for me to…

Why I’m Not Hopping on the CBD Bandwagon

As I drive around my neighborhood, there is no shortage of CBD shops within a 10-mile radius. They’re so prevalent that I thought it was time to seriously consider introducing cannabidiol to my 12-year-old Angel, Juliana. I joked with my husband that I was going to get some CBD lotion…

March Madness Brings Out the Best in My Angel

There is a bit of March Madness going on in my home right now. And I’m not talking about the kind that revolves around basketball. Our March Madness involves the chaos of home improvements. Some people thrive in chaos, but I don’t, and our 12-year-old Angel, Juliana, usually doesn’t, either.