Here Comes the Sun - a Column by Joelene Wand

Processing the complexities of our son’s happy demeanor

Prior to receiving our son Jude’s diagnosis of Angelman syndrome last April, when he was just 16 months old, we beamed with pride that he was a social butterfly who brought joy to everyone he met. Jude’s cheerful personality has always drawn attention. Passersby, checkout cashiers, and waitresses often…

Reflections after a year of early intervention therapy

In September, my husband and I marked a year since my son Jude, then 9 months old, started early intervention therapy, the standard of treatment for managing speech, movement, and balance disorders in those living with Angelman syndrome. A doctor who’d been treating Jude for sleep…

Overcoming fear after an Angelman syndrome diagnosis

At 11:12 a.m. on Christmas Eve last year, I sent a text. Our son, Jude, had just turned 1, and over the past four months we’d become increasingly worried that he wasn’t meeting his developmental milestones. He was a month away from being assessed for cerebral palsy (a common…